Pop is doing very well. He's been up and walking in the halls. He's still sore, but not much pain! God is good.
Mom had a very bad 'bug' or 'something'. It bothers me to see her so sick. But, with the nursing skills of her 2 daughters...she is on the road to recovery. Her blood pressure was quite unstable, but that has resolved, too. Thank-you, God.
I missed work again, today. But, Bonnie shows me such grace and mercy when it comes to my family. That is such a blessing, and I do not take it for granted.
I have not succumbed to the desire to "eat my way through the stress"...this is most certainly not of my own strength!
And, I received sweet messages of support from so many of you. Thank you so much...YOU are sweet gifts from the Father.
Then, I received this:

Thank-you, Kat, for this happy award. The award asks that you list 6 things that make you happy. So, here goes:
1.Chocolate...any kind...any where...any time.
2.A good book...and time to read it.
3.The beach...on a sunny day...with a cool breeze.
4.Picking out furnishings for the Creek House...especially when I don't have to negotiate too much with hubby.
5.Getting a good night's sleep.
(Of course I would list family, friends, and dog also)
Tropical storm Fay is upon us as I type. They are saying it is going to be very bad for the next few days...so I may not be blogging. Will catch up with you when we dry out. Several of my blogging friends are from this same area, so we appreciate your prayers.
Lord, please keep them safe in the storm and give her strength for the day! Blessings to you!
Yeah, I'm so happy your Mom and Pop are doing better. I hope Alex is too.
I loved your list.
I think the storm will be here soon. It's very very windy. Hope it's only wind and rain. Please Lord!
Happy Friday!
So glad everything is going well for your family! God is good, and faithful!
We'll have to pray for each other during this storm. It seems right on top of us and so of you! So far we only have rain and a little wind. Be safe!
Stay safe, Tonja. Today is our first day of NO rain (the sun is shinning) in a weeek!
Glad to hear Pops is doing well!
Hey I am so glad to see that your Pop is doing well. You are so blessed to have both of your parents!! They are both just so cute!!!
I helped Bonnie with carline. What a crazy first week of school. I will not be back to work until after Fall break but I will be bringing my precious girl to visit. I will come by and say bye to you since I did not get to see you Friday. 4 more sleeps!!! Love ya!!!!
Proud of you on every front! Hang in there. :0)
Glad everyone is on the mend...and that your mom's health is stable again...I'm sure she has had a time of it!
Fay...she's a stinker isn't she...she's just so fickle...can't decide what she wants...hurricane or tropical storm...either way...I'm keeping you and all my friends out there in her path in my prayers. It rained here most of the week last week...till Thursday...then it was like a sauna outside...but it sure was pleasant to have the cooler temps during the storms.
Blessings...and stay dry...
You have been able to post so thankfully things are alright in your area. Fay hasn't been a nice girl...none in her family are. I hope your family is doing better. I've enjoyed your post...
All the best..
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