Thursday, August 30, 2007



This is one of my classes of 4 year olds. Are these not the most precious souls? Look at those faces! The first week of school, each day was a different color day and they wore clothes that color. When I made this pic I told them to say "Mrs. Owens is silly!" As you can see...they sure believed it!

This is their teacher, Mrs. Wright. I don't like her much, though...shes a size 2! Only kidding...she's a sweet, sweet lady.
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nancygrayce said...

They should seriously pass a law against being size 2! That is just not right! :)

Justabeachkat said...

Very cute photo! When I used to teach Sunday School and Bible School, the 4 year old class was my all time favorite. It's a great age to teach.

Size 2 - give me a break!!!!!!!


melissa said...

Awwww - makes me miss my boys at this age. Size 2 = urrrg! ;)


Jean said...

What an adorable picture! These kids look so familiar, I feel like I know them!

Dianne said...

I love kids that age...they're a little bit 'big' and a little bit still 'baby.' Great picture...and I'm with everyone else, give me a break with the size 2! UGH!