Thursday, May 31, 2007


Even though my dream department store is not built yet, it's still time for a quick shopping trip. My Mom, my sister, Joy, and myself are leaving in the morning for a couple of days in Birmingham. Mom and Joy have the teeniest, tiniest feet, and Birmingham is the best place for them to find any selection at all. Of course, lucky for me, I don't have that problem...I can find cute shoes wherever I go. And they always are calling my name...saying,"take me home...take me home...we belong with you." And soft heart that I have, I can't bear to leave them at the store. You DO understand, don't you? And you would do the same thing, right? Good! We are on the same wave length. :)

We always have the most fun when we are together. And I am so blessed that we all live in the same town and can take these little trips together. We just build beautiful memories.

So, please say a little prayer for us as we are gone. For safety and for health. I'll catch up with you friends when I get back.


Tracey said...

girlfriend, I completely understand about the shoes calling out your name!

Are you coming through Montgomery? If you'll email me (traceykirksey at, I'll give you my cell phone number!

Southern Heart said...

I have a "shoe thang", too. :) My grandmother wore a 5AAA, so we were always on a search for shoes for her, too.

Prayers for a safe trip, and wishes for lots of fun, too!


Justabeachkat said...

Hi there! With my company here, I've had very little time to post or even catch up on everyone. I have a few minutes this morning so I'm doing a marathon read and then I'm off and running again. Loved catching up with you. Hope your weekend is fun and you find some great shoes! I know you're gonna have a ball.

Jean said...

Eagerly awaiting the shopping news!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Tonja, hope ya'll have a great time here in B'ham. I have to stay out of the stores...too dangerous. Buy lots of shoes for me!
