This is what I drank my Diet Dr. Pepper in...

This is on my body.....

These are on my feet.....

IF I should feel like cooking today...I'll use this...


Yeah, Yeah, I am doing a happy dance! Right here in the den! OOOOH! Life is good and all is well at this moment in time. Our architect called Don and told him that I had, indeed, checked with him before I ordered the kitchen piece...AND he had OKed it! AND, his plan was to move the door a few inches and he had just not told the builder yet! I am happy! I am not dumb as dirt! I did not go stupid! I can use a ruler! I can add more than just up to the number of fingers I have! Oh, yes, this is a HAPPY DAY !
"I was right !!!!"

You go girl..It feels good to be right every now and then..
Woohoo! I'm sure wives everywhere are cheering that one of their own has been vindicated.
Congrats from all of your other team members...way to go!!!
Yeah! Life is good!
I love all your "smileys"... they remind me of you because you ALWAYS have the biggest grin on your face!!!
It sunk in...and I finally took the "hint"... I'm starting to post some photos...but it's gonna take a while cause I have so many!
I'm loving all the pics of the construction on your house! It really is coming along!
AHHHH!!!! Don't it just feel good to be right?? You betcha!
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