I enjoy magazines. I like to thumb through them quickly. Then I like to go back and read the articles that are of interest. I will go through one more time and pull out pictures or articles that I want to keep. So, a magazine would likely stay around my house 3 or 4 months before discarding. If I discarded it. Some I kept.
When we began planning this move, I knew that the magazines I had saved must be one of the first things to go. I have trouble throwing things away...but especially if I think there is something in there I might need to see again. I did not say this was sane...it just 'is'.
And, so, I began throwing away magazines. I just picked up armloads and dumped them in the dumpster without looking at what was in my hands. I knew if I ever looked...I would spend too much time looking...one more time...just in case I missed something the first time.
I began letting all my subscriptions run out, and all did before we moved. But from the look of the publishing world...this may not be a problem too much longer. Magazines are folding quicker than you can say "what's on the cover?" These are already gone : Blueprint, Cottage Living, O at Home, Mary Englebriet's Home Companion, Home, Domino, and the saddest for me...Country Home. These are books that have provided me many hours of substance to peruse...planning, and choosing what I liked and didn't. I have read Country Home and Home Companion for as long as I can remember. It saddens me to see them go.

But, they are not the only ones. These are going or gone: PC Magazine, Discover, Teen, Gourmet, National Geographic Traveler, EGM (a gaming magazine Alex likes). And from the looks of things, many more will follow.
Teen Magazine? I remember this from MY teens. They always had those great pullout pictures of the latest hearthrob. Gourmet? I thought this was a very well established foodie magazine...not that I would know. We have been receiving PC Magazine at my house since the boys were young. It's about computers...I have never read one. I know what works what on my computer and that's all I need to know. Too much knowledge clutters up the brain, ya know.
I had made many good resolutions to follow when we moved to the Creek House. One of these was not to buy so many mags and not to KEEP the ones I bought. Oh, how I would LOVE to be able to go back through all those Country Home and Home Companion that are in the dumpster just one more time. So many of the decorating tips and ideas there were timeless.
It makes me wonder just what will be left when all this is over? And, what will Barnes and Noble put on all those periodical racks in the front of the store?
Tonja, it saddens me, too, to lose some of those magazines, especially Country Home. Hopefully, we won't lose Southern Living and Country Living. I'm going to keep mine, just in case!
AWWWWW!! It's like losing old friends---We just keep building big shelves downstairs---some are from the sixties.
By your title, I was reminded of that Vacation Bible School craft (channeling Keetha today) of folding each page of a Reader's Digest in two places, thus making a little stand-alone whatsit that looked like half a Tiki hut.
We spray-painted them in our choice of Sherwin-Williams colors to match our home decor, and gave the handy-dandy doorstop to our Moms. And they used them. Proudly.
Isn't this sad!! I am in the better homes and garden... I haven't throwed any of mine away in awhile too, especially the holiday ones.
Guess i will hang on to them alittle longer.
I know, can you believe it? I won't be receiving my Country Home or Cottage Living magazine any longer. I heard it's because we in the U.S. have cheap magazines. Meaning the readers are able to purchase them for next to nothing ~ compared to overseas, where a magazine could cost $16 per issue! Whereas in the U.S. publishers rely heavily upon their advertisers. . . well the economy has tanked and so has the advertising dollars. People are just not buying!
So long dear friends. I will miss my favorite magazines!!
It's just one thing after the next, isn't it?
It is sad! We were holding our breath last week. One of our sons was in danger of being "downsized".....thanks be to God, he wasn't, but he feels bad for the ones that no longer have a job!
You are hilarious. This is the exact reason I do not subscribe to any. I have in the past because it was a gift to me. I'm the same why, toss and don't look. What we know we are tossing, won't hurt us. I was just talking about this with my gramma regarding Taste of Home, which they have about 10 different kinds of Taste of Home cooking magazine...light meals, easy meals, meals for two....and so on. ugg.
Hey, when you get bored (hehe) come visit me. That was funny.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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