Friday, March 7, 2008

PLEASE DON"T RAIN ON MY GARAGE SALE! did! We were able to do some business, though. Tomorrow is supposed to be clear, but cold!


Tracey said...

I think they're calling for some snow accumulation here in Montgomery. Yikes! I hate cold weather! I'm supposed to show houses tomorrow--yuck!

Hope you get some good traffic at your yard sale. And the picture below of the "blocks"...YEA! Progress is being made!

Have a great weekend!

Angela Baylis said...

Dear Tonja,
If their was an award for most beautiful blog for this Easter season you would win my vote. I just LOVE to come over here for a visit!

I'm thinking about you today!
Angie xoxo

Jean said...

My sister Rose in Atlanta said they had snow this morning. How about you? Can you believe that we had 50 degrees this morning? What is UP???

Southern Heart said...

Tonja, I love the new look on your blog...that's a beautiful banner! I'm sorry that it rained on your sale.

Thanks again for your kind messages. xoxo