Thursday, April 8, 2010


I have been working on a post that I have now divided into 2 separate posts. I was working to try and get it ready to share today, but was not quite happy with it yet. But, it's coming...

I was reading all the posts from the blog friends I visit every day and I read a post so awesome, and so beautiful, I had to share it with you instead of what I was planning. The words of my friend, Rachel, feel almost spiritual. I want you to feel what I felt when I read her words.

Oh, to be able to take the written word and put it together in such a way that it reaches in and touches our very soul! I invite you to read and savour this post.
You can read it here entitled Keeper of the Nest.


RachelD said...

Oh, My!!!

I SEE what you DID!! I don't look at the counter a lot, but today I've been checking in because of Jeanne's link, and then there were several from YOUR site, as well!!

Thank you, Thank you for this lovely, kind thing---it fills my heart and makes it sing.


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Thank you for the link, I am heading there now!

Southern Lady said...

Everything Rachel writes touches my heart and makes my days brighter. She is always on my "Must Read" List, along with you, Tonja.

RachelD said...

Thank you, Thank you, Tonja, for the lovely people you sent my way today---more than twenty on the counter had the address: From Tonja'sGatherings.

I SO appreciate it, and I really enjoyed looking in to see who had dropped in.

Your words and your sharing this with people who are your friends---those are a great blessing to me, and I thank you SO much.


RachelD said...
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